Registration Questions |
I didn’t get a confirmation email for my registration transfer/refund request. Did it go through?
All transfers/refund requests must be done via email and sent to the NAEP Office [email protected]. We will confirm we received your request. Be sure to understand the registration and cancellation policies for the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium.
Do I need to be a member of NAEP to register for the virtual conference?
NAEP membership is not required. Like the Annual NAEP Conference and Training Symposium, the NAEP Virtual Conference attendance is open to all.
What is the registration cost?
Registration pricing can be found here. Please note the difference in prices for Members, Affiliated Chapter Members (Non-NAEP Members), and Non-Members.
What is the registration cancellation policy?
Cancellations received before July 31 will be refunded the conference registration fee in total less a $25 processing fee. Cancellations received after July 31 will receive no refund. Your registration fee includes entry to each day you have registered for (plus recordings to all sessions through Full Conference Registration only). If you are not able to attend one or more sessions, NAEP will not prorate or refund any part of your registration fee. Each virtual session will be recorded, and recordings will be provided to all Full Conference registrants within one week after the conclusion of the virtual conference. With prior notification, you may substitute a different name for your registration.
To cancel, please email the NAEP office at [email protected].
2020 NAEP Virtual Conference Questions |
Some pages on the website say 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and some pages say 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium. Are these two different events?
This is the same event. "2020 NAEP Virtual Conference" is a shortened version of the event's full name, "2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium."
What days/times are the sessions?
Sessions will follow the schedule outlined here. All session times listed in the program are in PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME.
(At this time, sessions and schedule are subject to change; speakers are still confirming their participation in the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference.)
What format are sessions?
Sessions will be live via video conferencing unless there is a technical difficulty with the session. In that case, sessions will be presented in a pre-recorded format.
Will sessions be pre-recorded or live?
Sessions will be presented live followed by a live Q&A. Sessions will also be recorded for those in various time zones who have difficulty attending a live session. The virtual sessions will be recorded and distributed to Full Conference registrants only.
Our goal is to make the virtual discussions as dynamic as possible and to offer alternative opportunities for interaction between speakers and participants.
What is my login info?
You will need to first login to the NAEP site using your username and the password. Forgot Password? Use the ‘reset password’ link on the login page. An email will be sent to you– if it does not come through right away, please check your junk folders.
How do I access the sessions?
About a week before the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference, you will receive a confirmation or "know before you go" email with detailed instructions. Within that email there is a link which directs you to the login area containing session links. All sessions will be accessible via video conferencing.
Daily conference links will be available for each day and only registrants will have access to the links. Details on how to join the webinars will be shared with attendees prior to the conference.
Alternatively, you can access any of the sessions by clicking on the “Enter Conference Portal” on the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium main page or program page. From there, select the day you are attending and then navigate to the launch sessions button.
You will be able to access sessions 5 minutes in advance of the start time each day. Conference day schedules hosting video conference links will only be accessible for the day the presentations are taking place. You will not be able to access previous or later days.
Will I be able to move from session to session during the conference?
Yes, you will be able to move from session to session similar to as you would during the in-person conference. If you register for the Full Conference, you will have access to all sessions.
Will I be able to view the recorded archive of virtual sessions/webinars?
The virtual sessions will be recorded and available to Full Conference registrants only. Recordings will be posted within 48 hours after the live sessions take place and Full Conference registrants. The process to access recordings will be similar to the process to log in for the live programs, but you will be able to view sessions at your convenience.
Can I receive CEs for the virtual events/webinars?
All NAEP events are registered for AICP credits. Please self-report the credits based on the sessions you attend.
If you have questions about CEs, please email [email protected].
Virtual Event Policies |
Does NAEP have a Code of Conduct for the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium?
Yes, please review NAEP's Code of Conduct here.
Failing to adhere to NAEP’s Code of Conduct will result in you being asked to leave the session and the rest of the 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference and Training Symposium.
Future Events Questions |
When is the 2021 NAEP Conference and Training Symposium?
The 2021 NAEP Conference and Training Symposium will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on May 16–20.
I am no longer interested in the Virtual Conference. Can I just transfer my registration to the 2021 NAEP Conference and Training Symposium?
NAEP is not able to transfer attendee or exhibitor registrations to the 2021 Annual Meeting. You have the option to receive a full refund of your paid 2020 NAEP Virtual Conference registration if you cancel by July 31, 2020 OR you may donate your registration funds as a charitable contribution to NAEP, a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.
Please see more information below regarding donating your registration fees.
How else may I support NAEP during this challenging time?
You may donate to NAEP, a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.
The NAEP Conference and Training Symposium is the primary source of annual revenue for NAEP, and canceling the in-person 2020 NAEP Conference and Training Symposium has created a situation of severe financial circumstances for our organization. If you would like to support NAEP in advancing our mission, please consider donating a portion or the entirety of your registration investment as a charitable contribution.
NAEP is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. No goods or services are provided by the organization in return for this contribution.