NAEP Membership

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Who We Are

NAEP is a professional organization that connects people who work in multidisciplinary environmental professionals with each other and with national environmental leadership. Together, we advance the profession and the professionals by providing leadership, information, and a community that builds excellence.

For our members, NAEP acts as:

  • Forum for state-of-the-art information on environmental planning, research and management
  • Network of professional contacts with whom you may exchange information in industry, government, academia, and the private sector
  • Resource for structured career development from student memberships to certification as an environmental professional
  • Strong proponent of ethics and the highest standards of practice in the environmental professions
Become a Member

Interested in joining a chapter?

You can join a local chapter when you sign up for NAEP membership! Just look for the Chapters section in the application formNote: To join the California AEP or Florida AEP, please apply directly on their websites. 

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How NAEP Membership Benefits You

Free Access to Official Publication

NAEP provides the access and network for you to grow as a professional by providing a great publication:

  • NAEP's National Desk: A bi-weekly newsletter with featured articles from E&E Publishing (or Greenwire) sent directly to NAEP members via email

Free Webinars

NAEP offers up to 6 webinars per year on relevant topics. NAEP members register free and have access to recordings of recent webinars.

Discounted Annual Conference Registration

Each year, the NAEP Annual Conference brings together environmental professionals from all over the United States to learn, collaborate, and stay informed on environmental policy/updates through enlightening sessions, workshops, and discussions.

Archives of Past Annual Conference Materials

NAEP members have access to historical conference archives. Members can explore past presentation topics, view speaker lists, and browse supplementary materials including presentations and papers. 

Discounts on Educational Courses, Seminars, Workshops, and Webinars

NAEP members receive significant discounts on dozens of educational opportunities. NAEP offers between six and 12 informative webinars and in-person courses, seminars, and workshops throughout the year. As a member, you could save hundreds of dollars a year on NAEP's educational resources.

Subscription to Working Group Listservs

Members can enjoy collaborating through listservs. Similar to a group chat, a listserv, or e-list, allows members to easily and conveniently communicate with others in a similar area, a field of work, an institution, etc. via a group email. Learn more about listservs and how to join one!

Access to the NAEP/APU Library 

This library portal has been specifically created by APU librarians to connect NAEP members with the best trusted open websites, resources, and librarian services.

For password access to this library, NAEP Members can visit the Member Center to log in and access the password through the NAEP Member Center.

Archives of NEPA and other Environmental Reports

As a NAEP member, you can access current and past NEPA Annual Reports and Environmental and Energy Reports completed by our NAEP committees, located in the Member Center. These reports relay specific updates and details pertaining to environmental policy that helps keep you informed. 

Career Center Access & Discounts

Is your company hiring? Are you looking for a new job? The NAEP Career Center is specifically-targeted to Environmental Professionals. In your Career Center profile, you can access online management tools, automatic new job email notifications, and a confidential search profile. Plus, as a member, you receive discounted rates to post jobs.

Member Directory

Search and get in touch with other members in your field with a members-only directory. Looking to network? Get to know other environmental professionals in your area!

Networking Opportunities

All of NAEP's member benefits provide avenues to network with professional contacts in industry, government, academia, and the private sector. Members also are granted the exclusive opportunity to advance personally and professionally through leadership positions in NAEP committees and the National Board of Directors.

Join Today!

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