NAEP Committees & Working GroupsOne focus of NAEP’s mission is “…developing the highest standards of ethics and proficiency in the environmental professions.” This mission is exemplified in the work of our national committees. The committees listed below include the interest/practice areas, focus of the committee, and leadership contact information. We encourage all NAEP members to seriously consider getting involved in a committee that excites you and holds similar professional interest for you and your career growth. Are you a member interested in volunteering with NAEP? Let us know! Volunteer with NAEPSelect a Committee or Working Group to Learn MoreOur Call to ActionThe work of NAEP's national committees is the strength and underpinning of our successful association. Strong friendships and affiliations begin by being a vital part of Committee work; it advances us personally and professionally. The work and products created from our NAEP professionals have resulted in stronger, more mutually beneficial relationships with agencies/associations throughout the U.S. and have provided increased benefits to every NAEP member at every level of the Association, especially our affiliated Chapters. Leadership begins with how we shape and create our future and the future of those we lead. The fruit that NAEP's national committees currently produce includes the NEPA Annual Report, Quarterly Policy Reports, E-News (bi-monthly newsletter), the quarterly journal Environmental Practice, the NAEP National Desk, NAEP webinars (at least six a year), Annual Conference, NAEP website, Facebook page, and the NAEP LinkedIn group. All NAEP members and professionals benefit from these publications and interactions by becoming better informed and leading more enhanced lives. Join Us in Action