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Archaeological Predictive Modelling as a Tool for Large Environmental Impact Statements

Friday, August 28
10:00–10:45 AM PT
 | 1:00–1:45 PM ET

About the Session

To provide input on cultural resource impacts for large Environmental Impact Statements evaluating multiple alternative future transportation corridors, planners have typically pursued two strategies. 

The first is to conduct systematic field surveys for all alternatives under consideration, which requires substantial costs and time. The second is to defer systematic surveys until a preferred alternative has clearly been identified, which often means that cultural resource impacts are not really a factor influencing the choice of the preferred action. Both approaches are problematic and result in higher costs for field investigations and a greater level of impact to significant archaeological resources. 


  • Cultural Resources

About the Speaker


Scott Seibel
Cultural Resources Department, Southeast Region

Mr. Seibel is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) who exceeds the Secretary of Interior Standards for archaeology and history. Mr. Seibel has over 22 years of experience in cultural resources management and extensive experience in the design, management, and technical execution of historical and archaeological investigations. He has managed reconnaissance and intensive investigations on prehistoric and historic sites throughout the United States with an emphasis in the Eastern US.

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