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Improving Regional Sustainability & Watershed Resiliency through Integrated Water Supply, Wastewater, and Flood Control

Thursday, August 27
12:30–1:15 PM PT
 | 3:30–4:15 PM ET

About the Session

Would you like to make a difference in the sustainability and resiliency of water supplies and flood control? This is a perfect introduction to a range of case studies involving environmental quality projects as well as Master Plans and design. You'll leave this session with sustainable and resilient water strategies to incorporate into your next project. This presentation covers the benefits of these projects and case studies of various projects ranging from watershed-level stormwater capture projects to site-specific 100% stormwater infiltration projects to solve structural flooding and improve water quality and increase groundwater supplies.The presentation will begin with an overview, followed by a discussion of the benefits of sustainable and resilient water strategies. We will cover the Envision certification, as well as watershed-level projects, site-specific projects, campus-wide projects, and system-wide projects in order to capture a range of project scales and levels of complexity. We will end with a clear analysis of take-away concepts for implementation into your projects.


  • Climate Change
  • Infrastructure Upgrades & the Environment
  • NEPA
  • Stormwater
  • Water Resources

About the Speaker

 Jennifer Walker Photo

Jennifer Walker
Watearth, Inc.

Walker, President of Watearth, Inc., brings nearly 30 years of extensive experience in water quality, flood control, green infrastructure, hydrology/hydraulics, stormwater, water resources, and complex projects with multiple stakeholders. She excels in water supply, integrating water supply with stormwater and groundwater management, and solving water resources challenges at a regional level. Walker was one of the first engineers to receive the Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer certification. Walker has a Masters in Civil Engineering, is a Certified Floodplain Manager, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in multiple states.

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