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Meeting ID: 997 1755 0556 Passcode: zK8CWA

About 106 Group
106 Group is a recognized leader in Cultural Resource Management, Cultural Heritage Planning, and Interpretation and Exhibit Design. For nearly 30 years, we’ve helped clients successfully navigate the cultural resources compliance process. Our team of historians, archaeologists, and regulatory experts offer you thorough and efficient solutions to assess impacts and ensure that projects move forward. We specialize in cultural resources management services, including coordination of National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance, archaeology and architectural history investigations, tribal consultation, and risk assessments.
Get in touch and let us help you connect your people + place + time.
Cultural Resource Management Film from 106 Group on Vimeo.
Our Representatives
Anne Ketz CEO & Services Director 651-403-8703 [email protected]
Anne’s career in cultural resources interpretation, management, and planning extends over 40 years. Anne has witnessed the field of interpretive planning change significantly and has been instrumental in its establishment as a vital part of planning. Today, Anne is honored to serve as Vice President for the International Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites (ICIP) for International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). Since founding the 106 Group in 1992, she has worked with a broad range of stakeholders, including community activists, planners, and Native American leaders.
Jennifer Bring Cultural Resources Manager 651-403-8711 [email protected]
Jennifer is a senior cultural resources planner and project manager with extensive expertise in cultural resources management (CRM) and compliance. She has nationwide managerial and field experience in historic preservation, architectural history, archaeology, and tribal facilitation, expertly navigating CRM processes to successfully lead complex projects to completion. This multi-disciplinary background informs her deep and detailed understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)/Section 106 processes. Clients have praised Jennifer’s sharp focus and ability to maneuver challenges as project manager for a wide range of projects, from small-scale developments to interstate pipelines, high speed rail, wind, and solar projects, and more.
Regine Kennedy Planning & Engagement Manager 651-403-8713 [email protected]
Regine is a resourceful planner, facilitator, and project manager whose award-winning work includes community engagement, facilitation, interpretive planning, and exhibit development. She applies a keen attention to detail in every project, while never losing sight of the bigger picture. As a result, Regine empowers clients and their stakeholders to create meaningful and effective solutions that transform challenges into opportunities. She has effectively engaged a broad range of stakeholders, professionals, and people, including several American Indian tribes. Regine is a trusted collaborator of community organizations; state, local, and Tribal governments; state and national parks; and heritage sites throughout the country.
Scot Nortrom Marketing Manager 651-403-8720 [email protected]
Scot is a communications leader and creative problem solver with a broad background in organizational operations, marketing, and business development. During his more than 20 years of experience with planning and design firms, Scot has positively impacted business operations, financial management, team management, brand development, and messaging. His strong interests in city planning, historic architecture, and public art have given him a practical understanding for a broad range of project needs.
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