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Meeting details:
+1 443-833-0028 United States, Baltimore (Toll) (877) 286-5733 United States (Toll-free) Conference ID: 907 287 267#
Staffing as Follows:
Mon-May 17 | 12:00 - 2:00 PM (PT) | 3:00 - 5:00 PM (ET): Ashley Bush Ervin (ESG/ED&I); Brian Boose, Helene Merkel, & SunTemple Helgren (NEPA/Planning); T. Luke Young (Climate Change)
Tue-May 18 | 10:30 - 11:00 AM (PT) | 1:30 - 2:00 PM (ET) Ashley Bush Ervin (ESG/ED&I), Erin Lee & Helene Merkel (Transportation/NEPA)
Tue-May 18 | 12:30 - 1:00 PM (PT) | 3:30 - 4:00 PM (ET) Brian Boose, Elizabeth Bella, SunTemple Helgren, & Valarie Yruretagoyena (NEPA/Planning); Kory Wilmot (Urban Planning); Patience Stuart (Cultural Resources); T. Luke Young (Climate Change); Taylor Nordstorm (Resiliency)
Wed-May 19 | 10:30 - 11:00 AM (PT) | 1:30 - 2:00 PM (ET) Brian Boose & Bobbie Hurley (NEPA/Planning); T. Luke Young (Climate Change)
Wed-May 19 | 12:30 - 1:00 PM (PT) | 3:30 - 4:00 PM (ET) Patience Stuart (Cultural Resources); SunTemple Helgren (NEPA/Planning)
Thu-May 20 | 12:00 - 12:30 PM (PT) |3:00 - 3:30 PM (ET) Brian Boose, SunTemple Helgren, Valarie Yruretagoyena, & Elizabeth Bell (NEPA/Planning); Kory Wilmot (Urban Planning); Ashley Bush Ervin (ESG/ED&I)
Thu-May 20 | 1:30 - 2:00 PM (PT) | 4:30 - 5:00 PM (ET) Brian Boose & Jennifer Warf (NEPA/Planning); Patience Stuart (Cultural Resources); T. Luke Young (Climate Change)

AECOM helps clients globally balance growth with resiliency — achieving compliance and reducing or eliminating risks, while protecting our natural environment and furthering social equity, diversity, and inclusion. We fund research and development for new technologies like drones, IOT, and virtual reality. We assist companies with environmental impact analysis and solutions, stakeholder and community outreach and engagement, permitting, design, engineering, construction management, EHS compliance, legacy remedial/restoration, health & safety and sustainability solutions/services. AECOM designs, builds, finances and operates infrastructure assets around the world. Serving clients in over 150 countries around the world, AECOM is ranked as the #1 environment firm by ENR. A Fortune 500 firm, AECOM has annual revenue of approximately $13.2 billion in fiscal year 2020. See how we deliver what others can only imagine at and @AECOM.
Our Representatives
Brian Boose National US Federal Impact Assessment and Permitting (IAP) Leader b[email protected] (330) 553-0269
Mr. Boose has 32 years of experience and is nationally recognized subject matter expert in NEPA compliance. He has managed over 40 EISs and 500 EAs, led over 50 NEPA training courses nationally, developed NEPA compliance handbooks and tools for a variety of Federal agencies, and served as a mentor to multiple NEPA practitioners across the nation. He has worked in all 54 states and US territories and is a long-time member of the Society of American Military Engineers and the National Association of Environmental Professionals.
Jennifer Warf Associate Vice President National US DoD NEPA / Environmental Planning Leader [email protected] (202) 740-5948
Ms. Warf is a Senior Environmental Planner / Natural Resources Specialist with over 19 years of NEPA experience. She has served as a project manager, author, or technical reviewer on 10 EISs and more than 75 EAs pertaining to military training and testing, construction of new facilities, flood damage reduction, and natural resources management. She is notably experienced with natural resources surveys, management, regulations, and issues specifically on DoD installations and has worked in 51 states and US territories.
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