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NAEP-SC Mitigations Banking 101 Workshop
Friday, June 07, 2024, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM EST
Category: Chapter Events

NAEP-SC is delighted to have staff from Water & Land Solutions provide a deep dive into mitigation banking.

Come join us for a fun day of learning, networking, and lunch as we dive into the particulars of mitigation banking and explore the professional life of a mitigation banker. Lunch will be provided.

Learn More and Register
You must register by Friday, May 31. Space is limited.
*Venue is subject to change based on anticipated attendance.


June 7, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Michael Baker International
Belle Vista Conference Room (2nd Floor)
700 Huger Street
Columbia, SC 29201


Water & Land Solutions will provide a deep dive into mitigation banking.

Topics include:

  • What is compensatory mitigation and why is it needed?
  • Types of compensatory mitigation
  • Identifying where a mitigation bank is needed
  • Finding a potential bank location and working with the landowner
  • Regulatory process and hurdles
  • Post construction planning and monitoring
  • How are credits determined, released, and sold?