NAEP 2022 Annual Conference & Training Symposium Schedule at a Glance
*This schedule is subject to change at any time. Keep checking back regularly for any changes.
Day 1 | Monday, May 16
Time (ET) |
Event |
8:30 – 7:30 PM |
Registration Desk Open | Las Olas Foyer |
9:00 – 5:00 PM |
Advanced NEPA Workshop | Atlantic III *Pre-Registration Required
10:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
ABCEP Informational Meeting | Atlantic V |
12:45 – 1:30 PM |
NEPA Lunch Break | Atlantic III |
7:00 – 9:00 PM |
Welcome Reception | Rooftop Lounge Sky Terrace |
Day 2 | Tuesday, May 17
Time (ET) |
Event |
7:00 - 6:30 PM |
Registration Desk Open | Las Olas Foyer |
8:00 – 9:15 AM |
Opening Keynote | Las Olas Ballroom The Geographic Approach to Environmental Sustainability Sunny Fleming, Esri |
9:15 – 9:30 AM |
Networking Break |
9:30 – 11:00 AM |
Atlantic I/II
A1.1 | Pacific Ocean AquaFarms EIS: A Unique Application of NEPA Cristi Reid

A1.2 | The Need for Federal Certification Program for NEPA Practitioners Jack Allen, AEP

A1.3 | Use of Project Design Envelope (PDE) in NEPA Analysis Kim Fitzgibbons

Atlantic III
B1.1 | Evolution of an Engineering Marvel: Planning and Managing the Unexpected at the Arecibo Observatory Madeline Almodovar

B1.2 | Same Places, New Eyes: The Cultural Landscape Approach and the National Historic Preservation Act Tait Elder

B1.3 | Workforce Shortages in Cultural Resource Management Jerryll Moreno

Atlantic IV
C1.1 | Port Everglades Environmental Program Update and Deepening Project Interagency Working Group Erik Neugaard

C1.2 | The Power and Importance of Awe in Transport and Health Ron Deverman, CEP by Eminince

C1.3 | Adapt to Transform: What COVID-19 Teaches Us About Resilience Breanna Gribble

Atlantic V
D1 | Technical and Legal Perspectives of Coastal Resiliency and Adaptation Tim Perry

11:00 – 11:15 AM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer Sponsored by

11:15 – 12:45 PM |
Atlantic I/II
A2 | Hard to Develop: Environmental Reviews, Policy Goals and Community Concerns in Dense Urban Areas Kovid Saxena, AICP

Atlantic III
B2.1 | Mobile Homes as Historic Resource Ashley Baumann

B2.2 | From Static to Dynamic: Public Participation Pandemic Pivot Josie Wilson

B2.3 | Public Involvement in Environmental Protection Projects Gordon Okumu

Atlantic IV
C2 | The Future of U.S. Passenger Rail Michael Johnsen

Atlantic V
D2.1 | Federal and Florida Environmental Law Update (Non-NEPA) Tim Perry
D2.2 | How to Break Up with the City Inspector Anthony Perera
D2.3 | The New ASTM E1527-21 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Standard Nicholas Albergo
12:45 – 2:00 PM |
Plenary Lunch Session | Las Olas Ballroom Council on Environmental Quality Update Brenda Mallory, CEQ
2:00 – 2:15 PM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer |
2:15 – 3:45 PM |
Atlantic I/II
A3 | AEP Climate Change Committee on Using Carbon Offsets as GHG Mitigation in CEQA and NEPA Michael Hendrix

Atlantic III
B3.1 | Streamlining Environmental Regulatory Workflows with Geospatial Technology Sunny Fleming

B3.2 | Use of GIS Technology in Brownfields Assessment and Redevelopment Mehmet Secilmis, GISP

B3.3 | Static vs. Dynamic Sea Level Rise Inundation Mapping in Hollywood, Florida Leonard Barrera, PE, WEDG

Atlantic IV
C3.1 | Invasive Species and Climate Change: Case Study at Lake Mead Sarah Hoffman

Atlantic V
D3.1 | Franklin-98 Living Shoreline Erick Harter, PG
D3.2 | C-44 Reservoir and Stormwater Treatment Area Zaine Arth, El
D3.3 | How, where, and when did the panther cross the road? Jason Houck, GISP, PWS
3:45 – 4:00 PM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer |
4:00 – 5:30 PM |
Atlantic I/II
A4 | NEPA Project Teaming Strategies Chris Holdridge

Atlantic III
B4.1 | FDOT's MR-MICCI - A Case Study on Interagency Coordination, Challenges and Solutions for South Florida Passenger Rail Capacity Improvements Courtney Arena

B4.2 | Sustainable Mass Transit Thomas Abdallah, LEED AP, PE

B4.3 | Fostering Understanding when Project Owners are from Two Different Countries Bill Plumpton, CPE, ENV, SP

Atlantic IV
C4.1 | Central Everglades Planning Project: Restoring the Heart of the Everglades Alexandra Serna

C4.2 | Protecting the Coastal Zone: How the City of Fort Lauderdale Preserves Endangered Ecosystems David Rubin

C4.3 | Citizen-Scientist/Public-Outreach Habitat Restoration Programs through NAEP Local Chapter Erik Neugaard

Atlantic V
D4 | Innovative Phytoremediation Transforming a Historical Brownfields Site Linda Yang, PG

6:00 – 9:00 PM |
Presidents Reception | Rooftop Lounge Sky Terrace Sponsored by

Day 3 | Wednesday, May 18
Time (ET) |
Event |
7:00 - 6:30 PM |
Registration Desk Open | Las Olas Foyer
8:00 – 9:15 AM |
Keynote | Las Olas Ballroom Environmental Profession and Everglades Restoration Drew Bartlett, South Florida Water Management District
9:15 – 9:30 AM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer |
9: 30 - 12:30 PM |
Bus Tour of Port Everglades Environmental Program |
9:30 – 11:00 AM |
Atlantic I/II
A5.1 | NEPA is not the Problem Charles Webb

A5.3 | Cumulative Schmulative, Should the Word Be In or Out? Owen Schmidt

Atlantic III
B5 | How Fast-Moving Trends in Environmental Justice/Equity Policy Impact Environmental Practice Emily Gulick, CEP-IT

Atlantic IV
C5.1 | Using a Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA) to Preserve Resilient Corals in Miami Beach Jennifer Savaro

C5.2 | Making Nature-Based Solutions Possible with Hazard Mitigation Funding Chris Levitz, PE

Atlantic V
D5 | Integrating New Definitions for Key Language in the NEPA–Section 106 Process Brian Durkin, MA, JD

11:00 – 11:15 AM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer Sponsored by

11:15 – 12:45 PM |
Atlantic I/II
A6 | NEPA Playbook: Integrating Resilience and Climate Change Laynee Jones, PE

Atlantic III
B6 | Please Permit Me to Introduce 21st Century Infrastructure (NEPA and Permitting for the Ambitious Agenda) Manisha Patel

Atlantic IV
C6.1 | Remediation and Recovery: Chronicling the Improvements of the Hudson River PCBs Site Kaitlin Garvey, ENV SP

C6.2 | Sustainable IX Resin Treatment and Destructive Technologies Overview for Complete PFAS Treatment Paul S. Newman, PG

C6.3 | SCDHEC Dry Cleaner Innovative Site Assessment/Remediation Program Perry Kelso, PG

Atlantic V
D6.1 | Driving Coastal Resilience Forward: Capturing Comprehensive Benefits Tayler Tharaldson

D6.2 | Going All-In: Engaging Clark County to Combat Climate Change Sam Baker

D6.3 | Resilient Remediation: Incorporating Climate Change into Sustainable Cleanup Practices Craig Drennan

12:45 – 2:00 PM |
Awards Ceremony Lunch | Las Olas Ballroom |
2:00 – 2:15 PM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer |
2:15 -5:15 PM |
Cultural Resources Walking Tour |
2:15 – 3:45 PM |
Atlantic I/II
A7 | I-11 Tier 1 EIS: Innovations in Partnerships and Technology Laynee Jones, PE

Atlantic III
B7 | How to Become a CEP/CEP-IT Anna Kohl, CEP & Corry Platt, CEP

Atlantic IV
C7.1 | Post NEPA Environmental Management and Compliance: Emerging Best Practices Brian Kennedy, AICP

C7.2 | Developing an incidental take permit system for migratory birds: lessons from other fish and wildlife permitting processes Michael Mayer

Atlantic V
D7 | Harnessing Energy and Water in the Salton Sea Nikola Lakic

3:45 – 4:00 PM |
Networking Break | Las Olas Foyer |
4:00 – 5:30 PM |
Environmental Professionals Radio Live Podcast Event | Las Olas Ballroom Nic Frederick and Laura Thorne featuring Tiffany Duong, JD Reinbott, Sunny Fleming, and Fred Wagner

6:00 – 7:00 PM |
Women+ In STEM | Rooftop Lounge Sky Terrace Sponsored by

7:00 - 9:00 PM |
Dine Around Town Various Restaurants |
Day 4 | Thursday, May 19